How to generate Coupons using HubSpot CRM Card?

HubSpot Automated Coupons integration enables you to create coupon inside HubSpot using the CRM Card functionality. Follow the steps mentioned below to create your first coupon:

  • In the Automated coupons app, connect your HubSpot account & the desired portal.
  • After this, connect your WooCommerce store with the app.
  • Next, go to your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to contact and you’ll be able to access the CRM Card feature on the right.
  • Click on the Create Coupon button under the MWB Create Coupon CRM Card.

hubspot contacts : hubspot automated coupons

  • In the popup, start by selecting the Source and Store URL respectively. Then, fill out the fields thereon. (The information and the data of your connected store will be fetched automatically)

hubspot contacts crm card

  • Next, fill in these fields—a unique coupon code, discount type, discount amount, expiration (relative or always active), restrictions of coupon applicability (brand, sitewide, product, or category), and usage limits.

hubspot contacts crm card modal

Everything is the same as you do while creating a Coupon Rule in the Automated Coupons app. Here, it is for a contact-specific coupon.


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