How To Install HubSpot Tracking Code?

You can detect your website traffic using the HubSpot tracking code. A distinctive tracking code is allotted to every HubSpot account. This code automatically includes HubSpot landing pages, website pages, and blog pages. To keep analytics track of the pages that are not on HubSpot i.e externally hosted pages, you should manually install the HubSpot tracking code.

Please be informed 

  1. Refrain from installing multiple HubSpot tracking codes on the same page. If done otherwise, the first tracking code will be activated, while others will not load.
  2. Your IT administrator or web developer must have a HubSpot user account to install the code.
  3. To set up tracking in a single-page application, consult the HubSpot developer documentation.
  4. If you are externally hosting entire domains or subdomains, you must add your domain(s) and subdomain(s) to your HubSpot settings.
  5. On AMP sites, tracking is not supported.
  6. If your external site is WordPress built, then it is advisable that you install the HubSpot – CRM, Email Marketing, Live Chat, Forms & Analytics – WordPress plugin. Using this HubSpot plugin will install the tracking code on your WordPress website. 
  7. An ad blocker can mess with the tracking code if the user has it installed.

Copy HubSpot Tracking Code 

  • Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.
  • Go to your Tracking and Analytics settings:
  1. Navigate to Tracking Code in the left sidebar menu in accounts that only have access to Marketing Starter or HubSpot’s free tools.
  2. Navigate to Tracking & Analytics > Tracking code in the left sidebar menu for all other subscriptions.
  • Click Email to my web developer in the Embed code section or click copy to send the tracking code to the team member who will be installing it on your site.


Install the Tracking Code

To use the tracking code, insert it before the closing </body> tag in the HTML code for each page of your website. Learn how to verify installation and troubleshoot the tracking code after you’ve installed it. Because each website is different, these steps may not be the exact instructions for accessing your HTML code. If you don’t know how to access your site’s HTML code, contact your webmaster, IT department, or developer and show them this article.

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